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Monday, September 14, 2009

Darwin- its a 2 Litre beer

that was the gift I presented my husband with. A  2Litre beer. He was thrilled:)

After visiting my doctor , who assured me ‘Yep, you can fly if you want’  the boys and I got on a (4 hour ) flight and headed to Darwin. It was hot. Really hot. And even though we arrived at 2am, it was hot.

We squeezed in a few hours sleep, and later that day, headed to Litchfield. the boys had an absolute ball, as did I with Sonny (nope, not fixed, I am sending him off his week, as it can ‘take up to 6 weeks’ and I wanted to take him to Darwin.)


It was so gorgeous, and peaceful ( well until the boys started racing leaves, sticks and shoes)


Jai, being the boy that he is, had to jump off the edge about 100 times, my sisters boyfriend and Jacob all too happy to catch him…over…and over…

We spent a fair amount of time sitting around ( haha) and I finally watched Australia (you know, with Nicole Kidman), which wasn't too bad. We also went and saw the ‘Jumping Crocs’ … As soon as you get on the boat, you are greeted by this


just waiting patiently beside you. They get these crocs to jump up out of the water for a piece of meat . It was freaking me out that they were just swimming around the river!


We are on this little tin boat, all hanging over 1 side, and the crocodiles are doing this


Does this seem CRAZY to anyone else?Also crazy? The fact that the tour guide dude let JAI drive the boat (okay, he didn't do too badly until the crazy 180 turn).. So somewhere, there is tourists (including one dare-I-say really really slightly annoying American couple) with pictures of the ‘crazy Aussies’ who let kids drive boats.



And the final night, we watched the sunset on the beach, people applauded. Seriously. Applauded. 


After a 4 hour flight home (at 1:45am) I slept for about 2 days.

***On a bean note- I feel much more secure the last day or so. Im not sure why, but am all of a sudden feeling confident that the bean is fine.( and it may be my imagination, but did I feel that tiny tap-tap a day or so ago??)  The bleeding stopped about 3 days ago, I have another ultrasound in 2 days, all fingers and toes crossed. ( Im also going for a 3D ultrasound!

I am going to watch The Business Of Being Born tonight, homebirth is crossing my mind. Is that totally crazy??? ***