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Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 on the 10th

My Mothers day starts like any  mums…  up at 4.45am,Luka having no regard for the recommended mothers day sleep in.I'm going to assume he just wanted to share the sunrise with me as a gift:)mothersdayfog

It was unfortunately obscured by fog-again, we cuddled under  a blanket  and appreciated the sentiment instead . Although I would KILL for a sleep in ( just once,come on,or a full nights sleep would do) it is true that Luka is at his loveliest,cuddliest,funniest & chattiest in the pre-dawn hours.


When the girls got up, it was time for the traditional- for Aussie mums anyway


Vegemite!! Preferably 6 inches thick,on cold toast,accompanied by lukewarm,milky coffee.Choke it down, feel the love:)

I love my presents, plants in hand painted pots , (hopefully not destined to be killed off horribly ,by me, I am certainly no green thumb),plantpots


cakemmmand a giant piece of chocolate cake contributed by hubby ( who is at work until lunchtime,then I'm  OFF DUTY )




Luka disapproved of the TV  being on when everyone should be kissing mummy,lol-he has just learnt this ‘angry face’  (and that is probably breakfast on his face in case you were wondering,beside the bruise that is,aaah boys ) and of course,barely a day goes by when i dont photograph his legs


Then Lukas nap-time, with  fat little kissable toes poking out from under the blanket. 


Mummy hopes to watch a movie at this time, of which i get to watch precisely 14 minutes before he wakes up.

And hey, im all for colourful outfits, but insisting on your Sourpuss sneakers,with your flame babylegs,

lukababylegsis a little ‘clashy’ even for me!

The rest of the day is uneventful, ending with a visit to MY mum,


and a  loud ‘Happy Mothers Day’ from my monsters:)

So, that was Mothers Day, winding down now, with before bed snacks of toasted cheese and pasta,and a cappuccino for mummy.


Its been a big day…



Night Owl Mama said...

sounds like a great day. Luv the baby legs too cute. I don't know how you do. Its choas here daily. U must do better than me. Happy Mothers Day.
You won't get that sleep if you add one more. :)

betsy said...

those leg warmers and high tops ROCK! (I saw your link on Facebook...very nice blog, great photos.)