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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday 9th May

Discussing collections: Dakota collects beanie bears, Rani littlest pet shop. Jai informed me he ‘wants to collect Hot Wheels’ .Great idea son, because your Hot wheels supply is severely lacking.I dont know what i was thinking, you DEFINATELY need MORE cars.jaicars1 But someone will have to give up their bedroom if you get anymore!

Winter is coming,and although the days are hot,sunny and perfect,the mornings are chilly.The cutest thing about this is…


knee high socks

lukakneehigh13 and pom-pom hats,oh my. 


I tried for a nice family photo his morning. I wear a dog tag with the kids pictures on it,but this is the one i have now



As you can see, its sorely in need of an update. You try getting 5 kids ages 18months to 12 co-operating! Heres the best-if you can call it that!Only Rani has her eyes squinting,and if you look closely,crossed! 


most of them were like thiskids19

or this –aah the love.


So I gave that away,piled them in the car and went to the park.Jai is very co-operative in solo shots



as you can see:)

and i got them all-except Dakota,who is out partying- smiling on the tyre swing


When i suggested going home Luka gave me this look


which i can only imagine means something like “What you talkin about Willis?”

Now we are all back home, i am trying to convince Luka that,since he has been up since 5am,a sleep is a GREAT idea. He is not buying it. Mothers Day tomorrow, I always remember this conversation between hubby and I, about 10 years ago.

Me:   well its mothers day, do i still have to wash the dishes?

Hubby:  No, of course not, you can leave them until tomorrow.

Gotta love him:)


Unknown said...

Your cars on the door looks like my kids bedroom floor!

Jarka said...

I LOVE the last picture!!!!! geez that´s the cutiest look I have ever seen :D